Saturday, December 26, 2020

Finding Happiness

 Long ago... I was a quilter. A ugly divorce, custody battle, new career, 3 moves and I am finally find my world stable enough to quilt again. As I am settling into the place I will call home for another 8.5 years, I am creating my quilting space and trying to find my happiness through quilting once again. 

During the quarantine/pandemic of 2020, I started trying to quilt regularly again but due to not having a space it was sporatic. I would literally have to pack everything away daily so my kids and I could school/work from home. But I did make some headway. Below are some of the UFO tops I completed and I purchased backing. I have never done this before but I am going to have both long arm quilted because I just don't have the space to work efficiently.

Fun Day 2015

Fun Day 2013

And so, I start sharing my quilting adventures again.

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